彈簧 spring 有效圈數:Active Coils 總圈數:Total Coils 圈數:Turns 節距:Pitch 展開長度:Wire Length
旋向:Coiled way/Coiling Direction 右旋:Right 左旋:Left 原材料:Raw-Material 材料規格:Material Specification
琴鋼線:Music Wire 橫彈性系數G: Shearing modulus 縱彈性系數E:Elasticity modulus 備注:Note 描述:Designation 公差:Tolerance
一般公差:General Tolerance 線性:Linear 角度:Angular 視角:Perspective 第三角法:3RD.Angle's/Third Angle Projection
參數:Parameter 比例:Scale 單位:Unit 地址:Site 尺寸:Size 日期:Date 繪圖:Drawn by 繪圖日期:Date Drawn
設計:Designed 校對:Checked/Check by 批準:Approved 修改:Modification 標準化:Standardized 色別:Variant 版本:REV.
頁次:Sheet of 圖紙:Drawing # 后處理:Finished 層/電鍍:coating/plating 熱處理:Heat treatment 彈簧重量:Spring Weight(gr)
標題:Title 項目:Project 客戶:Customer 圖號:Drawing No./Drawing coding 型號:Model No./Part type 材料號:Part No./Part coding
品名:Part name 前視圖:Front view 截面視圖A-A:Section View A-A 預壓彈力F1:Prestressed Spring Force
F1時彈簧長度:Spring Length at F1 彈簧受力F2:Loaded Spring Force F2 F2時彈簧長度:Spring Length at F2 極限狀態長度:Maxi.Static Length 極限狀態壓力:Maxi.Static Force 彈性 elasticity 彈性夾頭;筒夾 collet 彈性形變 elastic deformation 彈性常數elastic constant
彈性極限 elastic limit 彈性模量;彈性模數 modulus of elasticity 彈性應變能 elastic strain energy 彈簧分規 spring divider